Sunday, June 12, 2011

Running along the ocean

Yesterday I went out for quite a long run. I didn't have any knee pain, and I've been taking it easy to try and keep it that way.

I ran most of my run along the ocean, running in the sand or on the rocks when I could, but going to inland trails when the water levels were too high. There is about 7 or 8 K of continuous beach and I ran almost all of it.

At one point, I saw two seals! There were three guys fishing for crabs, and the seals would pop their heads up and check them out. They'd slide under the water after a few seconds, and appear in a different spot a little while later.

It was an excellent run, and I'm happy to have gotten out there. Vancouver is quite nice in the summer, and likely one of the only spots where you can see a seal during an afternoon run!

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