Sunday, June 5, 2011


Carmella and I went camping this weekend!  We have some plans to make use of this tent in July, so Friday was a good time to try it out.

Mom gave us our tent for Christmas, and it was great!  We camped in the Whistler campground.  Because the campsites are set away from the parking lot, there are wheelbarrows to help you bring your gear to the site.

We were only at the site for a few hours.  (We arrived after our anniversary dinner at the Rim Rock Cafe, where we shared our first date, first anniversary dinner, and now the second anniversary dinner.)  It was an adventure to put up the tent in the dark, but we did just fine.  We left the site early in the morning.  Carmella had a hair appointment and a yoga class, and I went for a run.

We also found some time to visit James, a little boy Carmella took care of a couple years ago.  He was nine months old at that time, and he's really grown.  He can run and talk, and likes to pretend to make food with his little cookset. 

I asked him to make me some eggs, and said I would like extra shells so they were crunchy.  Then, I got James to give some of these imaginary eggs to Carmella, and I asked him to tell her about them.  He ran over, and presented them to Carmella.

"Here are some eggs with extra shells.  They're crunchy."

Hahahaha!  Was I abusing my adult influence on the young child, making him believe that extra shells and crunchy eggs were desirable?  Maybe, but it sure was funny!  Carmella thought it was hilarious, but his parents didn't see the humour.

Here are a few pictures of James from almost two years ago.  It seems like a different child actually.  He used to be a tub, but now he's normal size.  I wouldn't have recognized him at all.

It was a good weekend.  It was really fun to camp, and it'll be even better when we get proper sleeping mats and warmer sleeping bags!  It was so cold, and the ground was hard.  We spent a lot of time outside, and it's gotten us excited for the rest of summer.  When it's not raining, there's so much great stuff we can do!