Monday, August 2, 2010

The Memory of Running

Kir gave me this book awhile ago, and I've just started reading it.  It deals with an overweight man who loses his parents in a car accident, and previously lost his sister to a mental hospital.

Today is my day off, and I enjoy reading books on days I don't have to work.  I also like running.  I was about to do both today, but I had to stop my run about thirty metres into it, or less.

I experienced extreme pain in my right knee, and could no longer run.  I've never had a pain like that before, and I am a bit concerned about it.

The only thing I've changed in my life is that I started biking to work.  It's a long way, so I try and go as fast as I can.  I try to push big gears, because I don't want to admit to myself that I'm in worse shape now than I was a year ago.

So now I've got extreme pain in the anterior portion of my knee.  I needed to find out what it was, so I googled it and came across some interesting information.

Cyclists often experience either hip pain or knee pain, and they're the two most common injuries that plague those on two wheels.  These injuries are most common during the early season when the rider's body isn't used to riding, especially if the rider tries to ride big gears too often and tries to push too hard before the body is ready.  The article also mentioned that inflexible lower extremities can add to the problem.

I am guilty on all counts.  I try to ride as fast as I used to, and I try to ride big gears because I assume they're more manly.  I also have inflexible lower extremities.

I'm happy that this preliminary research points to it not being a permanent injury.  I wouldn't want to only have memories of running as a result of a serious knee problem.  I'll have to find other ways of getting exercise for a bit, and with running and biking seemingly out, I'll have to try something new.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Smithy!!!!! Peter and I LOVED this book - I'm glad you've started to read it! Love Kir