Thursday, April 8, 2010


In the company-wide travel magazine. The umbrella company I work for is called Wyndham, and I'm in the Wyndham Vacation Ownership division. My piece will be sent to all the people who have bought shares in the timeshare division.

Typically, the magazine will feature a property or two, and tell you why you should go there. It will outline inventory discounts, and also have some stories from happy vacationers. There is also news from Annual General Meetings, photo-contest winners, and that sort of thing.

Olympic Piece.

They asked for pictures, but I didn't really have any that were good enough to send.

The publishers were really excited to have my piece, and as far as I know didn't do much editing on their own.

The company puts a magazine like this out every month, so I imagine finding material is always a task. They also published my co-worker Jeremy, who volunteered.

This magazine used to be published in paper every month, but recently they've gone to publishing electronically every other month.

So, I've been published! Wooo! Good thing too, since I took the initiative and have been claiming it on my resume for a few weeks now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, that looks and sounds really good. Nice Work!