Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One Day In

We're one day into the road trip back to BC, and I'm seeing if posting pictures works in a new way.

We're at Carmella's Uncle's house in Huntsville, and it's been a nice evening. We had a very nice BBQ dinner, and then they brought us to the local ice-cream place.

We all got small ice creams, and Carmella's Aunt got a baby size. But the baby size was HUGE! My small was even bigger. It sure was nice to get more than you expect, instead of less, which happens at home in Whistler all the time!

Huntsville is quite a quaint little town, and I like it. Tourist season is over, so it's relaxed and laid back.

Carmella's aunt and uncle have been very hospitable, and I'm really thankful that they've given us a place to stay and a great meal.

Before we got here, we visited one of Carmella's childhood friends who lives in Bradford, which was right on the way. It's been nice meeting some of her friends and family.

Tomorrow will be a long driving day, as we're going to attempt to make it to Thunder Bay. This evening has been pretty relaxed, so that's excellent. We'll have a great sleep tonight and be ready to hit the road hard tomorrow!

The driving has been pretty easy so far, because we've driven all week pretty much! We'll see how we do tomorrow, our first long haul day.

Time for some more sleep. I sure have been appreciating Morpheus this last week, as there has been so much going on.

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