Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I think I'll stay inside...

Until tomorrow.

Today just isn't going well. I forgot my bike on the bus, and when I picked it up, the front tire was getting flat again. It's been flatting on me once a week, and I keep putting new tubes in. Time to check the tire and the rim for thorns and burrs.

I picked up a new tube at a friendly bike shop out here in Function, the industrial area of whistler. While there, the resident dog bit my finger and growled at me. It wasn't a chomp and it didn't leave a mark, but he still bit me.

Then, I figured I would buy some food at a small bakery. I saw a nice sandwich, and asked how much it was. The Chinese girl thought I was saying I wanted it, so then I didn't bother correcting her and repeating myself.

Turns out it's an $8.50 sandwich! Looks like I should have used my Mandarin!

To make things a bit more unfortunate, one of my favourite shirts has a stain on it that the dry cleaners couldn't remove. I picked it up today with high hopes, but the grass stains remain.

Woe is me! Oh well. As long as I don't leave my house tonight, I won't get hit by a meteor or end up with swine flu!

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