Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some photos from my Blackberry

I often forget to bring my camera around with me, so I'm happy that my Blackberry has a decent one onboard. Here are some pictures I've taken with it in the past few months.

These three are from a sunny day a few months ago, at a Provincial Park beside the highway called Porteau Cove. I decided to turn off the highway and take the shots because there was a really unique mist hanging in the air, just above the water.

I was in Stanley Park today, and the cherry blossoms are out. In the background you can see a Japanese woman taking close-ups. She spent quite a lot of time enjoying their blooms.

It's obvious that the Crowns in North Vancouver are not doing their jobs. There seems to be public outcry!

These are co-drivers at the airport, from a number of different companies. I took this picture because they're all old and grumpy. Not surprisingly, the conversation among the drivers primarily involves grousing about driving politics.

I am the youngest I've seen working, and I feel a bit out of place when there's a gaggle of us all waiting with our signs. I found I was standing away from them, in an attempt to disassociate myself. I am a bad person.

I find myself struggling with my work, and not being satisfied with what I'm doing. It causes me a lot unnecessary stress. I am working on being content, and enjoying my life as it is now. It's easy for me to be unhappy with my work, as I feel capable of more. But I must remember that there are lots of people out of work, and at least I'm not in Afghanistan getting shot.

I must be content with my work, and my life. I must be happy in the moment, and not yearn necessarily for big change. I must not become more bitter than I am!

If I write it, it will help me believe it. But it's a daily struggle at this point, and I must do what I can to stay positive.

I'm looking forward to biking this season though, and that's positive!

1 comment:

Jazzy said...

You have so many things to be happy for! A great group of friends in Whistler, awesome surroundings, a bike park waiting to open, a family who cares for you, parents who are still married & love each other, a God who has breathed life into you and who loves you unconditionally, etc. You are so blessed!!! Walk in that!