Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chinese "Learn English" books

There is a set of small picture books here at the school that I like. Their purpose is to teach Chinese and English, as the books have Chinese characters, how they sound, and an English translation. I like to go through the books and learn a few new words and try and figure out basic Chinese. The books are written in Chinese, and have some interesting translations.

This book is about a tiger and a mountain goat. I will quote the entire book, about 5 or 6 pages. It's very interesting what will make it into the Chinese early childhood education materials.

"The little goat and the little tigar boat in play woods, they play hide-and-seek and race together with great pleasure.

Mum goat tells the little goat: "Don't play with the little tiger, be carful of being his meal." The little goat feels very afraid.

Mum tiger tells the little tiger: "If you meet the little goat next time, you can swallow him, his meat is very delicious."

The little tiger obeys his mum's words, he asks the little goat to play with him and wants to eat him by this opportunity, but the little goat doesn't repsond to him.

Mum Goat and Dad Goat give the little tiger a great beating, then they throw him down. The little tiger is pained to roll on the ground.

The little tiger drops several tooth and his hands are wounded in the fall. The little goat has saw all of this trhough the door crevice, laughs cheerfully."

Interesting themes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.