Saturday, October 13, 2007

Canton Fair

This week is the annual Canton Fair here in Guangzhou. I'm not sure if it happens twice a year or just once...but either way it's a big deal. There are posters for it all over town, and all the hotels are full. I've seen ads for hotels in magazines that advertise a certain price, with a small note that says during the Canton Fair, the price increases. These increases are around 400%, so it's a busy time.

The Canton Fair is a big trade show that attracts many North American (and probably European) buyers and sellers. It is being advertised that this is the 102nd running of the Canton Fair, which is a long time! I also believe it's one of the biggest trade shows anywhere. Judging by the rise of the Chinese economy, I think it's probably true. I wish I knew more about the function of the Fair though. If it's like Interbike, the annual bike trade show in Las Vegas, then shop owners will be making product orders, companies will have booths set up showcasing new product, and industry people will be networking. Since it's China though, I wonder if there's a focus on cheap electronics and clothing.

Every hotel is full, even the rooms here in the Kindergarten. Many many many foreigners come to the Fair, and I could tell when I was out and about today. The subway usually doesn't have English announcements (stop notifications, warnings, etc) on the trains, but today it did. The signs inside the subway also had English translations, which haven't been there in the past. Also, some fast food restaurants had fluent English speakers taking orders in the line-up, writing orders on small Post-It notes in Chinese characters, all in order to speed up the ordering process at the till. Even with these sudden changes catering to foreigners, I only saw two of them today, three if you count Carolyn.

They built a special convention centre for the Fair, and apparently if you're Chinese, they don't let you in unless you're a translator or a company executive. Foreigners get in for free though. I was thinking of going, as I heard there is lots to see and experience at the Fair. I imagine it's a trade show for clothes, electronics, kayaks, and maybe even cosmetics. I don't know...but I guess it's a big deal.

I think it's on for a week or two, so I may check it out next week. We'll see. I'll report back if I end up going. I probably won't though, since it's likely one big mall, with nowhere to sit down and rest.

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