Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Replacing the Sky

So I quickly changed a photo around with my new photo manipulation skills. (I'm taking a Photoshop Level 1 course, which I talk about in a previous post).

Below are two originals:

That's Carmella in the first picture, swimming under a great sunny sky.  But our group shop is not quite as nice.

I decided to fake a sunny day for the second shot.  Here it is, below.  I'm proud of my quick work!  Of course things could be improved, but I haven't learned them yet.

You'll notice I took the sky from photo one and inserted into the second shot, and suddenly the day looks a bit nicer. I wouldn't mind modifying the cloud on the right a bit to make it look more natural. Maybe I'll play around with it some more.

What a useful course!  Never trust my photos again!

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