Sunday, November 6, 2011


Every year, we go to a Novaween party that was invented by our friend Cindy.  She felt that on the regular Halloween weekend, everyone is busy jumping from party to party to party.  She wanted hers to be well attended, so she decided she'd have one the next weekend.

It's usually very well attended, and people get to wear their costumes again.  This year, Carmella and I didn't go out for the regular Halloween weekend, but we did attend Novaween.

Carmella was thinking about her costume all year.  Last year, she had the idea too late to put the required effort in, so she made sure to do it this year.  It took her about a week and a half to finish it.  Here are some pictures.  She did it all herself, after starting with a blank canvas.

He we are ready to head out.  Carmella made my costume too...I borrowed her striped hoodie, her zebra ears, and she painted my face.  I'm your standard zebra from the savannah.
Here's Carmella with Wes.  He's Mad Max, and Carmella has her drop sheet on to complete the costume.

I think Carmella's costume was one of the best.  While others were more elaborate, none were as original and home made as hers!  She got many comments and congratulations on the great costume.

Wes and Carmella enjoy dancing to Thriller.  Carmella took a course at the Harbour Dance Centre to learn the moves, so she was centre of the action!

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