Monday, April 18, 2011

A sunny April day

Here are a couple pictures from today, a rare sunny day.  It's April, and still it rains.  I think the moniker Rain City is more appropriate for this town than Van City, which seems to get thrown around a lot more often.  I've seen a bike shop called Rain City, and a tradesman's truck with Rain City Cement or something similar on it.  I guess Van City is more neutral, while Rain City could be seen as negative, but only if happen to feel that continuous and unrelenting grey, cloudy, rainy weather is negative.

Today was sunny and great, and therefore could be seen as positive!  The tide was out at Locarno Beach, and the actual ocean was further away than I'd ever seen it, which was exciting for me.  Carmella says that it happens all the time though, and wasn't sure why I was so impressed.  In the summer, people buy skim boards and shred the puddles and little rivers that a receding tide leaves behind.  Maybe I'll buy one and get into it!

Next up is a picture of a BBQ we went to.  It was put on by an Aussie friend of Carmella's, and it was fun.  It was still quite cold, but sunny.  We sat around and chatted, enjoying the sun. 

It's been a busy weekend!  I had a too-long Sunday nap, and still find myself awake and it's now Monday morning.  Time to go to bed!

Oh, we are taking weekly swing dance classes, and our first one was on Saturday night.  For me, it was successful as I wasn't the worst in the class, and left knowing the steps we were supposed to know.  We'll see if I can continue to keep up!  We're taking the classes from Rhythm City Productions, who I bet will re-name themselves Rain City Productions soon.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Good work on the swing lessons!! I'm getting excited for the big day!