Sunday, June 14, 2009

Emphatic Victory

I played Settlers with Emily and Derek last night. We branched out and played the SeaFarers version. While I'm always happy to play the standard version, Emily's been hankering for something a little different.

There are many different board set-ups you can create in SeaFarers, and each one has a different number of points needed for victory. Our scenario required the winner to reach twelve points.

At the end of the game, I had 13 points, (even though I only needed twelve) including Largest Army, Longest Road, and one Victory Point. The rest were cities and settlements.

It was a quite decisive victory. Emily finished with 7 points, and Derek with 6.

I marked my victory and the others' point totals on our new score board. For the time being, I am in the lead!

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