Saturday, September 15, 2007

The beginning

I figure I should provide some background about how I came to be in China, since it's an interesting story.

I was living in Ontario, working part time for Kirsten. My plan was to move back to Whistler in September. I had left British Columbia in October 2006, and really missed my friends, riding my bike, and getting up early on a powder day in winter.

Carol had been to China two years ago through her university, and has wanted to teach here for a year ever since then. She was in contact with a school, where her friend was teaching. They were looking for teachers, and she was to have an interview for the job in Toronto. We drove there together. After she met the people who were going to interview her, I told Carol that I'd wait outside under a tree until she was done. At that, one woman shouted to me (I was across a small parking lot) "You come come into interview too?" I decided it would beat sitting in the grass for an hour, flicking ants off my legs.

I went into the interview, not quite sure what my roll there was. Was I invited in so I wouldn't have to sit outside? Was I invited in because they thought it would be rude not to? Was I invited in because they wanted me to know Carolyn was safe?

Because I wasn't sure really what was going on, I sat there politely with good posture and my hands folded on my lap. Happily I was wearing a button up shirt, so I looked OK. Carolyn answered questions about schooling, experience, China, and other typical interview topics. None of these questions were directed at me, and I didn't volunteer any information. Finally the interview ended, and they brought out a laptop to show Carol the school and facilities. They invited me to look as well. So, we looked at the slideshow, and asked polite questions.

When it was time to leave, I was asked "So, you come to China? You come teach with your sister?" Hmmmm...well here's an option I hadn't thought of yet. I told them I needed a week or two to decide. Looks like I was offered a job off the street. That's never happened to me before!

On August 25th, after a grueling twelve-hour flight, Carol and I landed in Hong Kong, then boarded another plane to our final destination, Guangzhou, China. I've been here 3 weeks now, and am happy that I decided to come. It's been...educational.

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