Thursday, October 10, 2013

Carmella Graduates!

Carmella and I attended her graduation ceremony today in Burnaby.  While she finished the coursework a few years ago, she needed to press the Graduate Now!  button in her Student Information System in order to be fully eligible to work her new job.  Here she is!

It was a nice sunny day, and since the ceremony was outside, this was appreciated.  This space was covered, but open to the air on all sides.

There were nice warm fashionable blankets on every fourth seat to keep the students and fans warm.  Most people used them on their own, but a few people shared. 

The ceremony started with the SFU Pipe Band leading the academic procession.  All the students walked down the stairs to their chairs.  In the background below, you can see the long line.  I heard there were 450 students today, so it's not surprising I couldn't pick Carmella out.

I left my chair after awhile and hung out near the place where they prepare the graduates to head across the stage.  I got to see Carmella here, which was nice and made it a bit less of a solitary experience for both of us. 

I didn't get any solid pictures of Carmella walking across the stage unfortunately.  I missed when they called her name, probably because I was trying to decide if I should film video of it, or take pictures.  When I looked up, she was mostly across the stage, and my pictures only show her back.  Not useful to post here!

SFU has a nice quadrangle, so we took some shots there too.  It's a nice campus when it's sunny, but since it's high on Burnaby Mountain (more of a hill in BC terms though I'd say) it's rarely sunny, and Carmella's comment of "Well, a good thing about today is that I never have to go up to SFU again" illustrates the consensus about this concrete fortress.

I think it was a wise decision to press Graduate Now!

Carmella hasn't told her Facebook world that she's pregnant yet, and while most people close to her know, not everyone does.  So if you post to her wall, wait until she's announced it!  She'll do that in the next couple of days.

Congratulations on Jr, and your degree!