Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Great News!

About a month ago, I submitted a piece to the Globe and Mail, hoping they'd publish it in the Facts and Arguments section.

I was about to start shopping the piece around elsewhere because I hadn't heard back from them.  This morning, I recieved the following form email:


Thank you for submitting your essay. We are interested in publishing it, but need to confirm a few details before proceeding.

1. We only run original, non-fiction works on the Facts & Arguments page. We do not run pieces that have been published anywhere else -- in print, on a blog or anywhere else online.

2. We will contact you before your essay is published with any questions and suggestions, and to let you know on what date it will run. Please expect the piece to be edited to suit the mandate and style of the section, and to make it fit the space available on the page.

3. Unfortunately, The Globe and Mail no longer pays an honorarium for published essays.

While you retain the copyright and are free to sell it elsewhere after it's been published in The Globe and Mail, as a condition of publication, you grant the paper first-print rights and a non-exclusive right to The Globe and its assignees to publish, store, distribute and sublicense the essay in whole or in part, in print or by any other means, including but not limited to electronic, worldwide and in perpetuity, without compensation to the author.

If you agree to the above and would like to proceed, please let us know so an illustration can be commissioned and I can schedule your essay for publication.

Thank you

The Eds

Woo!  Emphasis mine in the first line.

I like how they'll commission a picture for it.

Sorry, no hints what it's about.  That will come with publication!