Friday, July 29, 2011

Pit Bull attack in Mount Currie!

Two weeks ago, Carmella and I were married in Mount Currie, just north of Pemberton BC.

While we were there, there were lots of dogs running around.  According to this article in the Vancouver Sun, a man was attacked by an unleashed pit bull.  Good thing it wasn't two weeks ago, and good thing it wasn't one of our guests!

I'll post of wedding pictures soon!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Question of Ethics

The study of ethics presumably presents its students with the tools to react to and engage in a changing world.

I present the following to you, dear reader, as a case study/question in doing the right thing.

Let us pretend that a respected member of the university community woke up in the morning, put on a stylish v-neck sweater, and trotted off to work.

Let us also say that in his haste, this respected member of the university community happened to put the aforementioned sweater on backwards, so the stylish V was prominently pointing down his back.

Did this community member mean to do this? Was he sporting a fashion-forward design? Was he in the midst of a study on social norms? Was he enjoying his cramped adam's apple? We will never know.

What we do know is that a certain fledgling university employee, known for occasionally and innocently making inappropriate comments, (eg, making conversation at the company christmas party with a co-worker about her Christmas Sweater, assuming she was wearing it in sport, when she actually wasn't) noticed the backwards sweater after a round of inconsequential small talk with the community member.

This university employee weighed the alternatives. He thought about his place in the university eco-system. He thought about his role in the niche.

He, a very casual ethics student, studied the situation, weighed its complexities, and decided on a course of action.

He said nothing, sat back, and enjoyed the emperor's new clothes.

Just as nobody likes to be the person to comment on spinach in another's teeth, he figured there'd be someone else to yell, "But he's wearing his sweater backwards!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We're married!

Just a quick note from Kelowna, where we're on our honeymoon.

Carmella and I got married on Saturday, Jul 9th.  It was a great wedding, and we had the help of so many people to make it happen.  Many months ago, Carmella gave the wedding a Swing Era theme, and invited guests to bring costumes and learn to swing dance.  It worked out fabulously! 

There were so many highlights: Carmella's homemade name cards, seating chart, wedding favour bookmarks; our first dance, which was a secret swing dance we created after taking lessons for three months; our friends writing songs for us and performing them; our families helping to make things go so smoothly; touching speeches by our family and friends.

The wedding made us feel very loved by our friends and family, as everyone put in lots of effort and time into the event.  Thank you!