Thursday, February 17, 2011


This morning while biking to work, I was happily enjoying the sun as it gently caressed my face. I understood the benefit of a south-facing house, and how nice it is when morning sun streams through your windows and lands on the floor in a pool of liquid positivity.

Now it's snowing, and I am disappointed! It probably won't stick, but I'd still rather see an invitation to spring instead of a return of winter.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A small update (that got a bit longer as I kept writing).

Hey Team,

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  By way of excuse, I'll briefly mention the balls we have in the air at the moment. (I heard that writers should avoid cliches like the plague, but I haven't quite decided that for myself yet.)


Unfortunately, I found out that my afternoon job, where I run the employee bus pass program, is being cut due to new budget restrictions.  Fortunately, I work for a great management team who procured me a job in the campus sustainability office as penance.  Wooo!

It'll be a new job, which is welcome but also disappointing as I was just getting good at my old job.  This new job aligns with my interests and education more, and I look forward to working hard and proving myself capable. 


Carmella and I have found another place to live.  While it wasn't the best situation living in the two-bedroom place with her roomate, it was livable for the short-term.  Carmella's roomate didn't like the situation, and found a cheaper place to rent for herself and her boyfriend.  Carmella and I had to either break the lease and find a new place ourselves, or swallow the price of the whole two bedroom appartment.

We opted to break the lease, and found ourselves a great little basement suite with 8-foot ceilings and lots of space. It'll be a great spot, and we're looking forward to having control of our own affiars in our own place.  We've found all the furniture we need for free, including a large tube TV which promises to take up more space than we'd like!  Oh well.

Wedding Stuff.

Plans are going well, and we're getting the ceremony venue and the food sorted out.  We're still planning a short honeymoon in Tofino, but haven't made a decision about that quite yet.

So far we're avoiding the acute stress that people feel when they plan their weddings, but maybe that will come when things get closer, or when we realize that all the small details need to be addressed, not just the big ones.

I'll attach a couple random pictures to end the post.

While moving out of my last place (where I had a passionate roomate who was very hard to deal with) I decided I didn't have room to keep this great armchair that I was given in Whistler.  I put an ad on Craigslist, in the Free Stuff section.

I got a few calls, and they were really annoying.  I had to answer questions like, "Is it more brown, or green?"  "Has it been in a smoking environment?" "Are there signs of wear on the arms?"

It's free!  There's a picture!  You either want it, and take it away and don't have to pay me anything for it, or you don't want it, and stay home!

 Here's Carmella dominating a Train Game session, back in Whistler.  We'll still playing a lot, and have recently bought a 1912 expansion for the Europe board.  It's pretty fun, adding routes and depots.  The Europe board is way better than the original USA board.

When I moved out of the place before this one (the same place I mentioned while talking about the chair, above) the roommate in charge of finding a replacement put an add on Craigslist and got no responses.  She then became very mad at me for choosing to move out when I did, and threatened to bring me to court over a breach of a verbal contract, because I didn't stay six months.  There was no lease.  It was silly.

Anyway, this a picture of my room that I took.  My other roommate, a nice guy, wrote up a friendly ad for Craigslist, and I took pictures.  We joined forces to create a successful ad, and suddenly there were lots of people interested in taking my place.

I am sure happy to be out of that living situation.  I've moved so much lately though, I'll be nice to have a home base for more than six months!

So that's the way things have been over here, and I'll try to post more, and take more recent and relevant pictures!  The next big thing happening is actually moving, which will happen sometime between the 15th and 28th of February.